A company Riversimple presented a city car which works on hydrogens. While there is only one copy of this machine. In the near time, guidance of the company plans to get financing for creation 10 prototypes and them subsequent tests.
A hydrogen car was developed by the companies Riversimple and Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies jointly with universities of Oxford and Krenfild.
A novelty is equipped by hydrogen fuel elements and operated which move an electromotor, energy for which is produced in the process of chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
Supply fuels counted on 384 kilometres. High speed equals 80 k/h, and acceleration from a zero to 48 kilometres per hour occupies 5,5 seconds.
Expected, that the first serial hydrogen car of company Riversimple will appear at a sale in 2012 years.
Cars which will be able to ride on urine will appear already through a half-year. The scientists from the university of Ohio create a new technology.
Scientists assert that by nickeliferous electrodes they can extract cheap hydrogen from urine. Thus, urine will become a fuel for cars, houses and other necessities.
Company SunOyster (FRG) has created technology Concentrator Cell Receiver, allowing greatly increase the efficiency of solar panels.
Currently, the holders of batteries faced with the problem of the limited size of the roofs of houses for the establishment of panels. There is also the problem of wrong calculation of the angle of inclination.
The cabinet of Ministers authorised Ministry of fuel and energy to license a production, storage and realization of oil-fuel from biomass and biogas.
About it it is talked in the decision of government № 829 from July, 29.
The proper changes were brought in this document in the list of organs of licensing, which is ratified by the decision of Cabinet of ministers № 1698 from November, 14, 2000.
Scientists from the University of California (Riverside Bourns College of Engineering) invented an improved technology of production of lithium-ion batteries. The battery will run three times longer.
Ukraine is seeking U.S. investment in its biomass, wind and solar power industries. The idea is to use renewable energy to curb its reliance on fuel imports from Russia, which annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region last month and has troops massed on the border.
Приливна енергія в основному базується на місячній гравітації. У той же час потенціал приливної гідроелектроенергії вже давно визнано. В порівнянні з традиційним ГЕС, приливні енергетичні проекти є дорогими, тому що масивні конструкції повинні бути побудовані в складних умовах та солоній воді.