A company Riversimple presented a city car which works on hydrogens. While there is only one copy of this machine. In the near time, guidance of the company plans to get financing for creation 10 prototypes and them subsequent tests.
A hydrogen car was developed by the companies Riversimple and Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies jointly with universities of Oxford and Krenfild.
A novelty is equipped by hydrogen fuel elements and operated which move an electromotor, energy for which is produced in the process of chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
Supply fuels counted on 384 kilometres. High speed equals 80 k/h, and acceleration from a zero to 48 kilometres per hour occupies 5,5 seconds.
Expected, that the first serial hydrogen car of company Riversimple will appear at a sale in 2012 years.
Ukraine is seeking U.S. investment in its biomass, wind and solar power industries. The idea is to use renewable energy to curb its reliance on fuel imports from Russia, which annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region last month and has troops massed on the border.
The European union made decision about introduction of anti-dumping duties on the import of biological diesel fuel from the USA on the nearest five years, reported in Tuesday the agency Frans Press.
Introductions of anti-dumping duties, the size of which will make from 23 euros a to 41 euros for one hundred kilograms, was approved by 27 countries-members of union and will go into effect from July, 12 for a term of five years.
A company Infinite Power Solutions announced the line of miniature accumulators Thinergy Micro Energy Cells in ultra thin implementation.
Technology of Thinergy combines the features of ordinary batteries and supercondensers. Charging to 90% take 10 minutes, and a number of charging-discharging cycles is 10000. At an incomplete charging-discharging, number of cycles is increased to 100 thousand.
Приливна енергія в основному базується на місячній гравітації. У той же час потенціал приливної гідроелектроенергії вже давно визнано. В порівнянні з традиційним ГЕС, приливні енергетичні проекти є дорогими, тому що масивні конструкції повинні бути побудовані в складних умовах та солоній воді.
Wind behaves to the most perspective alternative energy sources. At past Hamburg conference the European specialists discussed conceptions of Wind Generator of new generation.
Wind Systems play in Europe, including in Germany, an important role. The most perspective have “off-shore wind parks”. It is marine complexes of Wind Systems near banks, where strength of wind is more high, than on land. However, building of wind generator on water is very expensive. Therefore, it will cover a cost only in case that wind parks produces the enough body of energy.
Most in the USA sun energy power-station will be built in the desert of the state New Mexico, declared a company NRG Energy. Power-station will produce energy, sufficient for providing of necessities of 74 thousands of private houses (92 megawatts ).
A project excels previous analogues, the most from them produces a 70 megawatts of electric power.