Cheap and high-efficiency solar panels
Company SunOyster (FRG) has created technology Concentrator Cell Receiver, allowing greatly increase the efficiency of solar panels. Currently, the holders of batteries faced with the problem of the limited size of the roofs of houses for the establishment of panels. There is also the problem of wrong calculation of the angle of inclination.
In new installations, the company uses the Fresnel mirror. Specialists SunOyster managed to achieve greater concentration of sunlight on the panels through the use of lenses.
Installation can produce 5 thousand kW x h of electricity a year. The cost of one device defined at the level less than $7 thousand – three times less than the price of one standard solar panel.
In addition, the panels with the technology of Cell Concentrator Receiver has compact dimensions. Each mirror battery length is four meters, width of two meters. The whole construction is possible to return 270 degrees, the angle from 10 to 170 degrees. New batteries will be offered primarily to the companies that own the power plants, and by 2016, the company plans to enter the market of household solar panels.