Toyota will extend the production of electric cars
Toyota begins a leasing campaign for the business and state corporations of different countries.
In the campaign will take part 500 cars which work on an alternative energy.
Toyota begins a leasing campaign for the business and state corporations of different countries.
In the campaign will take part 500 cars which work on an alternative energy.
Приливна енергія в основному базується на місячній гравітації. У той же час потенціал приливної гідроелектроенергії вже давно визнано. В порівнянні з традиційним ГЕС, приливні енергетичні проекти є дорогими, тому що масивні конструкції повинні бути побудовані в складних умовах та солоній воді.
Ukraine is seeking U.S. investment in its biomass, wind and solar power industries. The idea is to use renewable energy to curb its reliance on fuel imports from Russia, which annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region last month and has troops massed on the border.
In an emirate Abu-Dabi sets to work a sun power-station, which enters in the most sun energy company on Near East – “Masdar”.
Station by a cost 50 million dollars of the USA integrated to the electric system of emirate. About 88 thousand of sun panels-batteries catch sun energy, converting it into an electric current which is given to administrative establishments of future city Masdar in the fence surrounding villages of Abu-Dabi.
New city will become the first ecologically a clean settlement in the world, with zero extrass of carbon dioxide.New city will become the first ecologically a clean settlement in the world, with zero extrass of carbon dioxide.
Company SunOyster (FRG) has created technology Concentrator Cell Receiver, allowing greatly increase the efficiency of solar panels.
Currently, the holders of batteries faced with the problem of the limited size of the roofs of houses for the establishment of panels. There is also the problem of wrong calculation of the angle of inclination.