The production of biopropellant and biogas will license
The cabinet of Ministers authorised Ministry of fuel and energy to license a production, storage and realization of oil-fuel from biomass and biogas.
About it it is talked in the decision of government № 829 from July, 29.
The proper changes were brought in this document in the list of organs of licensing, which is ratified by the decision of Cabinet of ministers № 1698 from November, 14, 2000.
A government set also, that implementation of fuel and energy of functions Ministry on licensing of activity in the field of production, storage and realization of biogas and oil-fuel from біомаси was carried out within the limits of budgetary assignations, set for Ministry.
Minister in a monthly term to confirm on a concordance with the State committee on questions a regulator policy and enterprise the licensed terms of realization of economic activity, related to the production, storage and realization of biogas and oil-fuel from biomass.